Monthly Archives: May 2008

The curse of updates

One of the worst things about the ubiquity of the internet is the crutch of automatic updates.  Who cares if our code isn’t feature complete?  So what if there are bugs galore?  It works okay – let’s ship and just … Continue reading

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Unsubstantiated statement of the day

The US will not get rid of $1 bills until $5 becomes the norm for minimum tips.

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The best feature of Firefox

I may be a little late to the party, but in the last 3 months I’ve begun using this feature more and more: Typing something in the address bar does an I’m Feeling Lucky search on Google. Sounds simple, and … Continue reading

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Real World Ubiquitous Computing – Skype Video Calls

There are few people who would count Skype as ubiquitous computing.  However I’ve found it is not the technology that defines ubiquitous computing, but how it is applied. Since I moved to the US I’ve really enjoyed having a Skype … Continue reading

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Picasa photo tuning

This is a continuation of Part 1 of my Picasa discussion. I am continually surprised by how powerful the relatively simple photo tuning tools of Picasa are. Take for example this photo my wife snapped while flying from Seattle to … Continue reading

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Picasa as an example of great design

I’ve been a long-time fan of Picasa, and it ultimately comes down to several reasons: It’s fast. Very fast. It has a great UI. Functionality. Integration. Fast Picasa has been optimized to very quickly load, to handle large libraries of … Continue reading

Posted in Design, Usability | 1 Comment

Tuesdays and Google Reader

I read an interesting article linked from Hacker News to 16th Letter which discussed different productivity on different days. While both myself and Melissa are both late to the party on productivity on Tuesdays, I was interested to see that … Continue reading

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Real World Ubiquitous Computing – Nike Plus

For all the doom and gloom about the lack of real world ubiquitous computing (even I was guilty of it in my thesis), if you look around there are devices that support ubiquitous computing ideals. And I’m not talking about … Continue reading

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