Tag Archives: Design

Why I’m passionate about usability

There was a great Schneier post about why he is so ‘into’ security, and how his mindset differs from so many other people.  I was thinking tonight about why I’m so passionate about user experience and how to improve its … Continue reading

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iRobot and lessons for design

It’s funny how something can be a great design, and yet with a few tweaks, it becomes completely awful. Witness the Roomba.  I love my Roomba – I bought it in October 2006 when I moved in to my cottage … Continue reading

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Turn your iPhone into a wifi Skype phone

There has been a lot of buzz on the intertubes today about Fring.  They’re an Israeli startup who released a fairly popular mobile chat client.  That’s simplifying things – in addition to supporting every major IM client, Fring automatically logs … Continue reading

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37Signals disagrees with usability guru Norman, or, what is usability?

There was a thought-provoking rebuttal from 37Signals to criticisms levelled by Don Norman regarding their product. (side note: did anyone else think 37Signals was using svn to version control their blog postings based on the URL?) Don’s original post is … Continue reading

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