Category Archives: Design

“Social layer” vs “Social network”

This afternoon we (Trovix) released Trovix Connect, the new version of our Trovix job portal. (incidentally, we’ve been using that as internal name well before Google Friend Connect and Facebook Connect!) I feel like we’ve kind of jumped on the … Continue reading

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The curse of updates

One of the worst things about the ubiquity of the internet is the crutch of automatic updates.  Who cares if our code isn’t feature complete?  So what if there are bugs galore?  It works okay – let’s ship and just … Continue reading

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Picasa photo tuning

This is a continuation of Part 1 of my Picasa discussion. I am continually surprised by how powerful the relatively simple photo tuning tools of Picasa are. Take for example this photo my wife snapped while flying from Seattle to … Continue reading

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Picasa as an example of great design

I’ve been a long-time fan of Picasa, and it ultimately comes down to several reasons: It’s fast. Very fast. It has a great UI. Functionality. Integration. Fast Picasa has been optimized to very quickly load, to handle large libraries of … Continue reading

Posted in Design, Usability | 1 Comment

Real World Ubiquitous Computing – Nike Plus

For all the doom and gloom about the lack of real world ubiquitous computing (even I was guilty of it in my thesis), if you look around there are devices that support ubiquitous computing ideals. And I’m not talking about … Continue reading

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Ubiquitous computing done right

I was happily surprised when I saw this video.  I was sent it by Miles, and I think it is an outstanding example of ubiquitous computing.  Amazingly it’s also several years old now, and part of Johnny Lee’s work at … Continue reading

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Turn your iPhone into a wifi Skype phone

There has been a lot of buzz on the intertubes today about Fring.  They’re an Israeli startup who released a fairly popular mobile chat client.  That’s simplifying things – in addition to supporting every major IM client, Fring automatically logs … Continue reading

Posted in Design, Gadgets, Startups, Usability | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

37Signals disagrees with usability guru Norman, or, what is usability?

There was a thought-provoking rebuttal from 37Signals to criticisms levelled by Don Norman regarding their product. (side note: did anyone else think 37Signals was using svn to version control their blog postings based on the URL?) Don’s original post is … Continue reading

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People power versus algorithms

Very interesting article from Wired.  This is something I have struggled with personally.  Is it worth investing the time to automate a process, or is it just cheaper to outsource the smarts of up-and-coming countries?  Ultimately I’ve found that not … Continue reading

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